The SPARC committee has the aim of overseeing the ASA’s Science Prizes, Awards and Research activities. The committee shall appoint adjudicators to review and assess all SPARC grants, prizes and awards, to allow the SPARC Chair to recommend to the ASA Board appropriate recipients in each category. The SPARC Chair reports to the ASA Board every quarter
Grants, prizes and awards
Pre-NSC Adjudicated Grant opportunities
The SPARC administers awards, prizes and grants associated with the annual National Scientific Congress (NSC) of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists.
NSC Presentation Prize Awards
Member submissions of sufficient merit are eligible for the Gilbert Troup Prize, ASA Best Poster Prize, Trainee Best Poster Prize, and Rupert Hornabrook Prize, and be invited to make an oral presentation of their work along with a poster.
Locally Administered Prizes
Locally Administered Prizes are administered by the relevant State Committees or the Editorial Board of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care journal. Full details are available in the ASA Bylaws.
Stories from previous ASA grant and prize winners
Learn more about previous ASA grant and prize winners.