The Society has a number of Science Prizes, Awards and Research Grants that the Scientific Prizes, Awards and Research Committee (SPARC) Committee awards each year.

Each year the Australian Society of Anaesthetists conducts a National Scientific Conference (NSC) for the benefit of its members and the anaesthetic profession. The event provides delegates with a prime opportunity to update their knowledge and skills, while building networks to enable them to remain leaders in a competitive field
The SPARC administers awards, prizes and grants associated with the annual National Scientific Congress (NSC) of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists. These are divided into pre-NSC Adjudicated Awards (“Pre-NSC Awards”) which are decided prior to the NSC, and those presented and adjudicated by a panel at the NSC (“NSC Awards”). Locally Administered Prizes are administered by the relevant State Committees.
The Board, in September 2021 approved a new Small Grants program in order to expand the Research Support strategy of the ASA. Up to 4 grants per annum of a maximum of $3000 each will be available. There are two deadlines per year (March and October) for applications.
All grants support original research into the current ASA Research Priority areas: Environment & Anaesthesia, Innovation & Anaesthesia and Safety in Anaesthesia.
Criteria for Eligibility
Applicants must have been financial members of the ASA for over 12 months. Applications from trainee members, and members within 5 years of full membership are strongly encouraged. Applications from teams of researchers are also welcome.
Applicants must have the support of their Department Head or equivalent. This will be confirmed by the SPARC Chair during the assessment process.
Projects must have the appropriate Ethics approval or waiver and be registered with ANZCTR as appropriate. Application will be accepted with Ethics applications in train, but funds will not be released until approvals have been received.
Recipients must be prepared to present their work to an ASA supported public forum eg a future NSC or State meeting, publish in a peer review journal, Australian Anaesthetist or ASA podcast. All publications and presentations must acknowledge the ASA as a funding source. Applicants must be available as grant reviewers for future grant applications.
Deadline for applications are March and October each year. Applicants should complete the application form, and format and provide all requested attachments as indicated on the application form.
The Board approved the ASA PhD Support Grant Bylaw in 2005 in order to assist members of the Society to complete PhDs and other Higher Degree Research (HDR) programs. In 2020, further funding was made available inline the ASA’s recognition of the need for research support in areas of interest to the Society, and to encourage an increase in higher degree completion in clinical anaesthetists.
Criteria for Eligibility
Application is open to ASA members only, including Trainee Members, who are currently engaged in anaesthesia or research related to anaesthesia, intensive care or pain management. A trainee applicant must have a suitable supervisor who is also full member of the ASA. Preference will be given to applicants enrolled in a Higher Degree Research (HDR) or an emerging post-doctoral researcher (NHMRC guidelines, <10 years full time equivalent after conferral of PhD), although all members are eligible to apply.
The research grant may be used to purchase or lease equipment, facilities or material or to fund administrative or scientific support not normally provided by the institution. A scholarship provides salary support for full or part-time research for members enrolled in a Higher Degree Research (HDR) at a recognised university or research institute may be made available for 1 or 2 years. The stipend and allowances are similar to those described by the NHMRC. A maximum of $75,000 is available.
Applicants must have the support of their Department Head or equivalent. This will be confirmed by the SPARC Chair during the assessment process.
Projects must have the appropriate Ethics approval or waiver and be registered with ANZCTR as appropriate. Application will be accepted with Ethics applications in train, but funds will not be released until approvals have been received.
Recipients must be prepared to present their work to an ASA supported public forum eg a future NSC or State meeting, publish in a peer review journal, Australian Anaesthetist or ASA podcast. All publications and presentations must acknowledge the ASA as a funding source. Applicants must be available as grant reviewers for future grant applications. The recipient must provide a written report to the Board within six months of completion of the funded activity.
The deadline for application is June 30 each year. Applicants should complete the application form, and format and provide all requested attachments as indicated on the application form.
The Jackson Rees Research Grant commemorates the visit to Australia in 1963 of the late Professor G. Jackson Rees. Following his visit as the Official Visitor of the ASA for that year, he donated a sum of money to the ASA, which was placed in a fund entitled the Jackson Rees Research Fund and used, with supplementation from ASA funds, to support a biannual research grant.
Criteria for Eligibility
Application is open to ASA members only, including Trainee Members, who are currently engaged in anaesthesia or research related to anaesthesia, intensive care, or pain management.
The research grant may be used to purchase or lease equipment, facilities, or material or to fund administrative or scientific support not normally provided by the institution. A maximum of $27,500 is available.
Applicants must have the support of their Department Head or equivalent. This will be confirmed by the SPARC Chair during the assessment process.
Projects must have the appropriate Ethics approval or waiver and be registered with ANZCTR as appropriate. The application will be accepted with Ethics applications in train, but funds will not be released until approvals have been received.
Recipients must be prepared to present their work to an ASA supported public forum eg a future NSC or State meeting, publish in a peer review journal, Australian Anaesthetist or ASA podcast. All publications and presentations must acknowledge the ASA as a funding source. Applicants must be available as grant reviewers for future grant applications. The recipient must provide a written report to the Board within six months of completion of the funded activity.
The deadline for application is June 30 every other year. Applicants should complete the application form, and format and provide all requested attachments as indicated on the application form.
This prize commemorates the late Dr Kevin McCaul who was, for many years, the Director of Obstetric Anaesthesia at the Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne. He had a major and lasting influence on obstetric anaesthesia throughout Australia. The prize was instituted in 1978 on the occasion of his retirement as Director.
The Kevin McCaul Prize is awarded to an application for a research project, publishable critical review/essay (as determined by editors of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care journal or Australian Anaesthesia) on any aspect of anaesthesia, pain relief, physiology, or pharmacology relevant to the female reproductive system.
Criteria for Eligibility
Application is open to ASA members who are Trainee Members or specialists within 2 years of obtaining their higher qualification in anaesthesia.
If the application is for a research project, the monies may be used to purchase or lease equipment, facilities or material or to fund administrative or scientific support not normally provided by the institution. A maximum of $11,000 is available.
Applicants must have the support of their Department Head or equivalent. This will be confirmed by the SPARC Chair during the assessment process.
Projects must have the appropriate Ethics approval or waiver and be registered with ANZCTR as appropriate. Application will be accepted with Ethics applications in train, but funds will not be released until approvals have been received.
Recipients must be prepared to present their work to an ASA supported public forum eg a future NSC or State meeting, publish in a peer review journal, Australian Anaesthetist or ASA podcast. All publications and presentations must acknowledge the ASA as a funding source. Applicants must be available as grant reviewers for future grant applications. The recipient must provide a written report to the Board within six months of completion of the funded activity.
Deadline for application is June 30 each year. Applicants should complete the application form, and format and provide all requested attachments as indicated on the application form.
The Jeanne Collison Prize for Outstanding Research in the Fields of Anaesthesia and Pain Management was established in 2007 following the bequest of $50,000 by Dr. Neville York in memory of his wife Dr Jeanne Collison who was a member of the ASA for 52 years. The ASA is the custodian of the bequest and will administer it in accordance with this Bylaw. The Jeanne Collison Prize is for an application for a research project in the field of pain management.
Criteria for Eligibility
Application is open to ASA members or Trainee Members, with an interest in or sub-specialising in pain management.
The research grant may be used to purchase or lease equipment, facilities or material or to fund administrative or scientific support not normally provided by the institution. A maximum of $11,000 is available.
Applicants must have the support of their Department Head or equivalent. This will be confirmed by the SPARC Chair during the assessment process.
Projects must have the appropriate Ethics approval or waiver and be registered with ANZCTR as appropriate. Application will be accepted with Ethics applications in train, but funds will not be released until approvals have been received.
Recipients must be prepared to present their work to an ASA supported public forum eg a future NSC or State meeting, publish in a peer review journal, Australian Anaesthetist or ASA podcast. All publications and presentations must acknowledge the ASA as a funding source. Applicants must be available as grant reviewers for future grant applications. The recipient must provide a written report to the Board within six months of completion of the funded activity.
The deadline for application is June 30 every other year. Applicants should complete the application form, and format and provide all requested attachments as indicated on the application form.

The Chair of the SPARC will appoint an adjudicating panel to assess the application. Adjudicators will use the following scoring guidelines and template to assess applications.

Stories from previous ASA grant and prize winners
Learn more about previous ASA grant and prize winners.