Queensland State Chair
Dr Brett Segal
I graduated from St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, Imperial College London in 1998 and was admitted to the Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 2012.
I work as a specialist anaesthetist, predominantly in private practice in Townsville and am the Director of Anaesthesia at Mater Private Hospital Townsville. I am a senior visiting specialist at The Townsville University Hospital and Senior Lecture at the College of Medicine and Dentistry at James Cook University Townsville.
I was a member (2010-12) and chair (2012) of ANZCA QLD Trainee Committee, ANZCA Trainee Committee (2012), ANZCA Curriculum Redesign Steering Group (2010-12), QLD ANZCA/ASA CME Committee (2011-2016) and most recently ASA QCOM (2019-2024).
Over the years, I’ve participated in several hospital committees. My specialist interests include anaesthesia for obstetrics, orthopaedics and ENT and have a keen interest in ERAS.
Outside of work, I enjoy travel and scuba diving. During my tenure I would like to focus on exploring ways to improve provision of anaesthesia services in regional Queensland but also other important specialties such as paediatric provision in the private obstetric setting.

ASA QLD Committee of Management - Annual General Meeting
The QLD Committee of Management Annual General Meeting of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists will be held on Friday 30 August 2024 at The Queensland Club, Brisbane Qld, 4000 at 7.00pm, and via Zoom.
Want to join the QLD Committee?
We always welcome new members to our team so if you are interested in joining the Queensland Committee please email Ms Jennifer Burgess
If there are any workplace concerns or issues that you feel the ASA should be aware of please email the Policy team.

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