The Professional Issues Advisory Committee (PIAC) was formed in 2004 at a time when it became apparent that ASA would not be able to address certain significant emerging and ongoing issues without committee level support.
The ASA by-laws charge the Professional Issues Advisory Committee (PIAC) to provide advice to the ASA Council and ASA members on professional issues which include but are not limited to:
- Clinical practice and standards
- Credentialing and privileging
- Professional indemnity insurance
- Continuing Professional Development
- ‘Professionalism’
- Personal health and welfare
- Workforce
Workforce issues include but are not limited to:
- addressing the distribution of anaesthetists (specialist and non-specialist) necessary to satisfy national and regional demand
- determining the reasons for any maldistribution
- suggesting strategies to address any maldistribution
- conducting member surveys
PIAC also prepares submissions and responses to governmental and non-governmental agencies on behalf of ASA Council.