ODEC mission statement

The Overseas Development and Education Committee (ODEC) oversees all aid, outside Australia and New Zealand, which involves ASA members or resources:
- Educational overseas aid
- Financial overseas aid
- Material overseas aid
- Skill based overseas aid
ODEC acts jointly and cooperatively with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists (NZSA), the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) and other aid organisations.
The main focus of the ODEC is to support and promote anaesthesia training in the Pacific and recently South East Asia.
Over 75% of the substantial ODEC budget goes towards Pacific anaesthesia and this support has seen significant achievements.

ODEC ongoing annual contributions
WFSA Fund a Fellow Campaign. Click here for update on WFSA Fellowships and the impact they have on the provision of safe anaesthesia globally.
Read the latest Fund a Fellow update.
National Scientific Congress
The World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) Uniting for Oxygen appeal. This appeal aimed to raise £100,000 to provide life-saving oxygen therapy equipment for hospitals in Nigeria and Zimbabwe. The WFSA was very grateful for a significant donation from the Australian Society of Anaesthetists. Read the letter from Dr Wayne Morriss, President-Elect, WFSA.
Read about ‘The Value of Short Courses/Service Missions: A Fiji Perspective’ as presented at ASA’s NSC in Perth, October 2017 by Dr Victor Fesaitu, Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Hyperbaric Services, CWM Hospital, Fiji Islands