Home News & Media Private Hospital Sector Financial Viability Health Check

Private Hospital Sector Financial Viability Health Check

I request that you participate in a survey of medical practitioners.  

You may have heard recently that the Department of Health and Aged Care is conducting a Private Hospital Sector Financial Viability Health Check.

Launched in the context of the significant financial stress on the sector and private hospital closures around the country, the health check is tasked with assessing the financial viability of private hospitals, assessing key market challenges, and contributing input to government regarding these issues. 

The department published this one-page fact sheet on the Private Hospital Sector Financial Health Check on its website in June.

The AMA is working with the department to ensure the views and experiences of the medical profession inform this work. A survey is now open to all doctors and is seeking the perspectives of non-GP specialists and general practitioners.  

I strongly encourage ASA members participate in this survey, to ensure the department is provided with sufficient data to inform a thorough investigation. 

Please note that all information collected through the survey is de-identified. You do not need to be concerned about being identified through your response in any way. 

The survey is open until 28 July online via the links below. 

How to complete the survey

Use this survey link if you are specialist anaesthetist:

Take the Private Hospital Sector Financial Health Check survey for medical specialists

Use this survey link if you are a GP anaesthetist:

Take the Private Hospital Sector Financial Health Check survey for GP specialists  

SurveyMonkey will guide you through the response process, which should take approximately 9 minutes to complete. 

The Private Hospital Viability Health Check will inform future national policy on our private hospital system, so I strongly encourage you to participate.

Dr Mark Sinclair

ASA President